Collection: Terms of Use

Access to, navigation and use of this website and all websites managed by AT Portal (hereinafter the "Website") is subject to the user's agreement to abide by the terms laid down here below.


Intellectual property rights

AT Portal is the exclusive owner of all brands, copyright, database rights, intellectual property rights and all other rights over the elements of this Website. All material present on the Website is subject to copyright and is the property of AT Portal or third parties licensed by the same.


It is forbidden without prior written authorization from AT Portal to copy, modify, alter, publish, disseminate, distribute, sell or transfer, either wholly or in part, any component of this Website or its software or any other file present within it.

Users are forbidden to copy, incorporate or store any information, publications or other works of whatever kind on other websites or electronic retrieval systems. Users are expressly forbidden to link this Website with any other Internet site without prior written authorization from AT Portal.


SAKTEK is the owner and administrator of the Website. The content available on the Website, including text, graphics, photographs, still and moving images, audio, illustrations and software (hereinafter the "Content") is owned by AT Portal or companies belonging to AT Portal Group, its licensees and/or content providers. All elements of the Website, including the layout and Content, are protected by commercial law, copyright, moral rights, brands and other laws regarding intellectual property rights. Unless expressly permitted by AT Portal, it is forbidden to copy or transmit by any means, parts or elements of the Website or its Content.


All brands and trademarks of AT Portal used here are registered trademarks of AT Portal or of companies belonging to AT Portal Group, unless otherwise indicated. It is forbidden to use, copy, reproduce, republish, upload, forward, transmit, distribute or modify in any way brands or logos owned by AT Portal, without the prior written approval of AT Portal. It is forbidden to use the aforementioned brands in any other website or Internet platform, store or reproduce any part of the Website on any other website or create hypertext links or page links between the Website and any other website.


Disclaimer regarding the content and functionality of the Website

AT Portal cannot guarantee that the content of the Website is appropriate or lawful in countries outside India. However, should such content be unlawful or illegal in any other country, users are requested not to access the Website. Should they choose to access the Website, we inform them that any use they choose to make of services provided by AT Portal will be exclusively under their own personal responsibility.

Use of the Website and its content is under the sole and exclusive responsibility of the user. AT Portal declines all and any liability for use of the Website and its content which violates prevailing law.

While AT Portal will do everything in its power to ensure continuity of access to the Website, the dynamic nature of the Internet and its content may not permit AT Portal to operate without suspensions, interruptions or discontinuities when updating the Website.


Limited Liability

AT Portal declines to offer any guarantee, explicit or implicit, as to the accuracy or completeness of the information contained on the Website. Nor does AT Portal guarantee that the Website will be available without interruptions or delays. In visiting this Website the user accepts that AT Portal is not liable for any damage, direct or indirect, caused by use of the Website or of the information contained in it. Equally AT Portal declines all and any responsibility for the Services offered by third parties through this Website or via links on an external website. The information contained in the Website may be updated and/or modified without notice. Access to, navigation and use of the Website is under the full responsibility of the user.


This Website may contain links or references to third party websites over which AT Portal has no influence or control. AT Portal shall not be held liable for the content of such third party websites and/or links that these may contain.

Applicable Law and Jurisdiction

In the event of any dispute regarding access to, navigation or use of this Website, the user accepts the jurisdiction of the NCT of Delhi .